About dreams

The following are some dreams and visions that the Lord has given to us over the years regarding preparation for a great revival that is coming to the earth. Many times over the years the Lord has impressed us that  this revival will be associated with judgment, starting first with his people then with the the world at large. This is not a foreign concept in scripture. The Lord has impressed us time and again that although times of great distress are ahead of us, in every revelation he has given us there is the promise of amazing grace, provision, and protection extended to those who seek His purposes and Glory.

New Kingdom Credit Cards
New Years Dream: 12.31.11

I was with a group in a corner conference room several floors up in an office building. The two walls facing outside were floor to ceiling glass windows with the curtains pulled open all the way flooding the room with an intense light that was hard on our eyes. The view outside was of a beautiful park land. Four or five of us were sitting around a round oak colored conference table. A man representing God’s authority was standing and talking to us, His staff, while handing out to each two new Company (Kingdom) credit cards and explaining that from this day forward we were to use these Kingdom Cards rather than our own personal ones.
One was a blue United Airlines Explorer Visa and the other was a silver United Airlines Visa card, just like the two that I have been using for all my expenses, except the new cards were issued in the Company’s name. As He was talking to us, I felt conflicted and wondered if I wanted to use the Kingdom Cards because, although all my expenses would now be the sole the responsibility of the Company and paid directly by the Company, I didn’t see how I could get any credit for my frequent flyer miles. The credit would from now on accrue to the the Company.
Just as I was awaking from the dream I saw a 7…then a blank screen…then another 7.

We don’t understand it all, but much seems evident. Every New Year’s dream from God is especially significant. He alerts us to His agenda for the next season. A waking vision following a spiritual dream is the Lord’s exclamation mark of the seriousness of His revelation. We feel the dream certainly applies to us and to others in the Body, especially to leaders.
The two 7 s are confirmation of a repetitive word that we have been hearing for some time. The first 7 is God declaring the ending of the season just past. The second 7, is God declaring  a new season where  claiming credit for ourselves, pursuing our own ambitions, agendas, and affirmation in His service ,  seeking our own  provision , and claiming His Glory for ourselves will derail us from His purposes (James 3:14-17). Independently, Rita heard the Holy Spirit say “Ambition and ascendency destroyed Saul. Let it have nothing in you.”
We are on the cusp a great revival, perhaps the formation of Joel’s Army, the ‘nameless and faceless generation’, the third coming of Elisha, where God is  restoring His Church  (Mal 3:1-4 & Mat 17:10-13). He is looking for a Church that will steward His Presence, not obstruct it. He is looking for those who will volunteer freely in the day of His power and join with Him as he shakes the earth for HIS GLORY!


© Michael  Murphy - Outpost christian ministries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -  www.outpostchristianministries.net