Things I Have Come to Know To Be True

Michael Murphy

At this juncture, I would say that the biggest obstruction in my ability to bear fruit, live a life that maximizes His glory, and experience The Kingdom of God consisting “of righteousness, peace, and joy”(1) has been the sin of unbelief.

Scripture says the sin of unbelief is the obstacle that keeps us from God’s provision, His provision or salvation is way beyond what I have imagined. The Greek word is “sosos”. It means salvation, well being, favor, healing, deliverance, and to be made whole.

The sin of unbelief  as described in Hebrew’s chapter three  and four is the result of a downward cycle starting with disobedience, leading to the deceitfulness of sin, which leads to hardness of heart, which leads to unbelief ( lack of faith), which results in our being bared or locked out from Gods provision (4) .

Thoughts on Institutionalism and the Church Triumphant

Michael Murphy

A well known evangelical leader recently posed the question "What other church is there besides the institutional?" This widespread view is, I feel, a major part of the problem which accounts for the church finding itself in today's wilderness experience. The church was never meant to be an institution any more than our bodies were designed as institutions; rather it is the literal, actual, living, physical, spiritual, and mystical body of Christ.

Institutions are how man governs man, not how God governs the church. The government of man imposing itself on the government of God in all of it's multitudinous out workings is the single most important distinction between the where we are now and where the Church Triumphant will soon be.

Jezebel Spirit Profile & Observations


-    Jezebel

    Means “cannot cohabit” - must take over
    Daughter of Sidonians who worshipped Ashtoreth (goddess of love, vitality and war, she kills her offspring)
    It’s the embodiment of illegitimate spiritual authority
    It is the essence of witchcraft and a principality level demonic power. 2 Kings 9:22; Rev 2:18-29

-    Jezebel exercises  Illegitimate  Supernatural authority &  Control through:


-    This Spirit can operate in either men or women

    Although it operates more commonly and more powerfully in women
    It operates in believers and enemy plants: both friendly fire and enemy fire

-    Targets those in authority

    Initially the primary target are the true prophetic voices:
    Those with gift of discernment
    Those with governmental anointing
    Pastoral staff


Learning Obedience; Overcoming Strongholds; And the Renewing of the Mind

Michael Murphy

You asked that I write out what we talked about in reference to our learning obedience through suffering. I believe that the kind of suffering that you are now experiencing can have, just as you have said, a life changing redemptive effect.

Scripture clearly teaches us that everything that happens in our life is specifically and carefully allowed by God as a road map to move us towards our ultimate good. Lamentations 3: 37-40:

“Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is in not from the mouth of the Most High that good and ill go forth?”  " All things work together for good…. “ ;  and the entire book of Job to cite a few examples . The issue that determines if we will progress towards God's prefect will, from some lower rung of the ladder, is how we respond to the circumstances which God has permitted.  Our response to life's trials, whether it be suffering or prosperity, will either move us towards "His  image " or away from it.

A major theme of C. S. Lewis’s “Great Divorce” is that it is sanctification that God is after.

The Cost of Revival Part I; His Manifest Presence; And an Offended Mind

Michael Murphy

My first understanding of the Manifest Presence, although not my initial experience, was a very personal event that I would like to share.

Marching Orders

One Saturday afternoon, in the summer of 1990, during a major season of revival in my life…I was sitting on our deck overlooking the Continental Divide of the Rocky Mountains…having a quiet time…meditating on The Lord.  It was a perfectly still day.

A rushing noise…startled the silence!  I looked for the source.  Off in the distance in the midst of an otherwise perfectly still forest, perhaps 300 feet down the steep southwestern slope, I saw the tops of a group of several ponderosa pines forming a circle of about fifteen feet in diameter swaying back and forth in a 30 degree arc.  It was an astonishing sight!  I thought it must be some type of wind devil, like one occasionally sees on the plains.

As I marveled…my spirit was quickened.  I heard ”watch this”  After a few moments the circle of trees began to meander from my left to right, then up the mountain.  Occasionally the stand would pause in its migration, but all the while the tops were swaggering in ever increasing arcs to the extent that I thought they would break!